Sunday, July 15, 2012

Smile, it enhances your face value.

Hello hello! Life as of lately as been pretty spectacular! I started back to being a 9 to 5 girl, resulting in a very pooped Sandy. My Mom came to visit for the 4th, as well as my best pals. It was so lovely to be able to wrap my arms around my Momma and have the best kind of conversations with my lady friends. We berry picked, muddy hiked, ice cream ate, alpine slid, sing alonged, cave dwelled, river tubed, Gatlinburged, boozed, and giggled!

I find that I'm smiling more and more these days. I like that.

1 comment:

  1. Sandy,
    I love your pics! The only thing that makes them better are the stories that go along with them. :)
